-5- (Letter incomplete)

Baltimore, Maryland
(Prior to 15 Oct. 1862)


     The days and nights here are of near even temperature, than in New York State. The boys in our company are all well. They just stopped for me to go bathing with them, but I have no time to go. We do not get much time to write yet. Will probably have more, when we get well regulated. We have to live on salt pork one day, salt beef the next, fresh beef the next, pork and beans twice a week, meat soup, pea soup and bean soup occasionally. Coffee three times a day, salt and (unreadable in original) and (unreadable in original) 3 days a week, loaf of bread, each, a day. So you see, we have plenty to eat, and better then we got at Norwich. We have soup delt out to us each day, 1/2 ladle every day.

     You will have to share my letters to one another, for I can't write more than once or twice a week. Give my love to all. I think of you all every day. It don't seem that I am so far away from all my friends, but I don't regret the choice I have made. I am more and more energized in this work than ever, and I shall be till I am dead, or this war is ended. Send this to Rosa and she will send you those she gets. I feel very anxious for Charlie. I want he should be a good boy and not forget that he has a papa that is going to fight to save the country for him, should he live to be a man. Give my love to all and remember me- a stranger in a strange land. So good by for the present.

From your affectionate son,
S. S. Dunton

Direct your letters to:

Samuel S. Dunton
Co. D. 114 Regiment
N.Y.S.V., Baltimore, Maryland

Write me as soon as you get this. Write all the news and about every thing that will be news to me. S. S. Dunton

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