U.S.A. General Hospital, Ward 6
York, Penn.

December 31, 1864

Ever dear mother,

     I received your very welcome letter in due time and should have answered it before this time, but I expected to be sent to my regiment and I thought I would wait till I got there before I wrote to you. I shall not go to the regiment till I am examined again, which I think will be some time next week. Today is muster day. I think if I could stay here till the paymaster comes I should get the whole of my pay. I think he will be here by the twentieth of January. My descriptive list is here, so they would have no excuse about paying the whole. I am afraid I will be sent to the regiment before he comes. If I can, I may get there before the regiment is paid. Then I would be paid with them. I hope that between the both, I shall get paid, for my family needs the money very much.

     I am very glad that you and father enjoyed the visit to New York so well. I knew that you would have a splendid time and it gratified me very much to know that you could go and have a nice visit. I think that if I live to get home and circumstances permit that Rosa and I shall make a short visit to Saratoga and New York. I think that such a visit would do Rosa a good deal of good. She has sacrificed so much, that if I live to get home, she shall enjoy the pleasures that I can procure for her. But, I anticipate I may not live to get home. I am very thankful for the papers you sent me. They help to pass off many an only hour. My health is pretty good. I am almost entirely well of my lameness. I received a pair of socks from El last Sunday for a Christmas present. They were very nice and just what I needed. I have at last drawn clothing, so I am comfortably clothed now. I was actually suffering for clothes, but would not complain. I tell you, it is hard times for people to live, that have to depend on soldier's pay. If I am fortunate to get home, I think I will be able to get along first rate.

     There is no particular news here. The news has been very encouraging of late. I wish you and father would write me often as you can and I will answer. I dreamed of coming home last night and had a good visit with you all. I hope father will be careful and not work to hard. I hope that you both may live long enough to enjoy the comforts and pleasures of this world. ---- has not written since she was back in New York. I wrote to Cory Thursday. I think he is doing first rate and hope he will be contented to stay there. I shall write to Cousin Willie, after I get my pay, or after I get to the regiment. Remember me to all. If you don't feel able to write, have the girls write for you. Well, I must close. Hopeing we may all live to meet again.

I remain your affectionate and dutiful son,

S.S. Dunton

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