Note: This letter was written by the company commander to Daniel Cady. It was transcribed from the original by William Dunton, c. 1981. We do not know what relation our family has to Daniel Cady nor to Jason P. Adams. From the letter it appears that Daniel Cady was a relative of Jason P. Adams, and that Mr. Cady informed the company commander of Adams' death, rather than the opposite. Did Mr. Adams die at home in NY? Did he die in a Confederate prison? We don't know.

Headquarters 14th, Minas Hill, Va.
November 28, 1861

Daniel Cady:

Dear Sir:

     Yours of the 23rd is at hand, informing me of the death of Sergt. J.P. Adams of my company, which I assure you took us all by surprise, as we were all in hope of seeing our favorite Sergt. back, to enlivening us with his genial fare and voice, for Jason was a great favorite among us all, and loved by all that had the pleasure of his acquaintance.

     In the death of Sergt. Adam, I loose one of my best officers and most reliable men. He was always one of the first to offer his services on any occasion, when required, and in many instances has done the duty of others, and has been repeatedly been noticed by our Colonel, for his promptness and efficiency in all his duties, and it is with deep regret that I am compelled to cronicle his death. I informed the members of my company, on receipt of your letter, of the death of Jason, and on every face could be seen the mark of sarrow for their lost comrade and brother, for he left his home with us all to defend the honor of his Country and Flag and were in hope of that the Lord spare us to return to our loved homes together, but such was not to be the case, for he has been called to his long home before we expected and may the soul of our beloved comrade and soldier brother rest in peace, in that home of Homes, where sorrow and trouble is never known. To his mother, sister and relations I sympathize with them in their affection in the loss of a beloved son and brother, for he that(noeth) the fall of the sparrow, doeth all things will.

     In regard to Jason's effects and pay, there is due him from the government two months pay and twenty days pay. What clothes and letters or other articles he may have here, I shall forward to you for his parent. His pay order to receive his pay, I will have to see the Paymaster-General, and have him forward it to his relations, or I may have to get a power of attorney from his mother, in order that I may receive it, but I will put them to as little trouble as possible.

Yours respectfully,
Saml. E. Thompson
Capt. Co. H 14th Regt. NYS

Corpl.Robinson and A. Kennedy sends there (sic)best respects to all their friends in Chittenango.

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